Getting project information using Fuul SDK

This article shows how to get your project information from the Fuul SDK

You can find an example of two landing pages (one for creators and another one for end users) with the Fuul SDK integrated using next JS and RainbowKit in this repo

To display all your conversions on your website use the getAllConversionsmethod.

await fuul.getAllConversions();

This will return the conversions:

// Example response
        "id": "720df28a-07cd-441b-ab17-c3239c3bfb34",
        "name": "Buy & hold",
        "project": {
            "id": "5312b6bb-a6fd-44d8-9b97-8b0f275ae95b",
            "name": "Fuul",
            "thumbnail_url": "fuul.png"
        "action_type": "Payment",
        "action_args": {
           "payment_type": "fixed",
           "payment_currency": "USDC",
           "referral_amount": 40,
           "referrer_amount": 10
        "triggers": [
                "name": "Purchase token",
                "description": "Buy the token",
                "contracts": [
                        "address": "0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F",
                        "network": "polygon"
                "name": "Sell token",
                "description": "Sell the token",
                "contracts": [
                        "address": "0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F",
                        "network": "polygon"

Last updated