Smart Contract Enabled Payouts

Smart contract-enabled payouts is a fundamental piece of how Fuul brings trust in a highly fragmented crypto ecosystem in which projects and partners usually don't know each other.

Before Fuul, as partners posted content or referred their audiences to a specific project, it was a common practice for them to ask for their payout upfront just to make sure that they would get paid - unfortunately, this has prevented many partnerships from happening as many projects also couldn't trust that publishers were going to deliver value.

With Fuul, however, projects can now set up smart contract-enabled payouts for their programs by basically putting their budget in escrow into their own Fuul Program smart contract. By doing so, the contract acts as the trust layer between these two parties, and how makes sure that:

  1. As long as the program is up and running, funds are available and partners will get paid

  2. As publishers deliver on impressions/clicks/transactions following conversion terms, projects will automatically be charged from their budget and made available to partners and end users.

Smart contract-enabled payouts allow for trustless partnerships, while also streamlining automated payout operations for projects.

Last updated