
Fuul is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. Our SDK is designed with privacy in mind, ensuring that no sensitive information about the user or their device is collected.

Data Collection

  • User Information: Fuul SDK does not collect any personal or sensitive information about the user.

  • Device Information: No specific information about the user's device is collected.

Unique IDs

  • Random ID Generation: Fuul SDK generates unique random IDs that are stored in the user's browser's local storage.

  • Regeneration of IDs: If the user switches to a new device or browser, or clears their local storage, a new random ID will be generated.

Data Usage

  • The random IDs are used solely for the purpose of attributing users' visits to the right affiliates.

  • Users' public wallet address is used to verify onchain activity

Data Storage

  • Local Storage: The random IDs are stored locally on the user's browser and on Fuul's database, and are not transmitted to any other servers.

  • Data Persistence: The data will persist in the local storage until the user clears their local storage.

Last updated